Saturday, February 20, 2010

New Building at Langata Primary School

On February 12th our school (Bosco Boys) went on a field trip to Langata Primary School, another Salesian school. It is a school for younger children who are just off the streets. This school is not as nice as ours but is a stepping stone for the boys. They have chores, responsibilities, and schooling daily. If they are able to deal with these circumstances then they will eventually be promoted to Bosco Boys Primary School. The school is run by our good friend Fr. Makarious. We go there once maybe twice a week. Our friends Gil and Nils from Belgium also teach there.

Anyways, the school is building a new larger building for schooling, dorming for the boys, eating, and residing for volunteers. We were able to go to the celebration of the first stones being placed.

Langata school children.

When we arrived at Langata girls from the Bosco schools performed a traditional tribal dance for us. The dance was about 6 minutes or so and was wonderful. There were boys beating drums and playing instruments on the side. Half way into the dance a few of the older girls took some pots and balanced them on their heads while they danced. It was pretty impressive.

This is a picture of Fr. Sebastian (left) and other priests doing the blessing the construction of the new building. People came from all over Africa and also a priest from Rome to be at celebration.

This is just another picture of the girls doing a tribal dance.

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