There are many stray cats that hang around the school. Some are there purposely to be a presence to scare away the rats, some do a good job, but there are still tons of rats. There are also some cats who have found their way to the campus and have felt right at home. Many of them have kittens then, this is one of the new baby cats around the school.
The kids love standing by the gate which leads to the...FOOD! The gate has to be locked at all times because the children really want to eat, always... But this is also where the cats live because they want to be fed also. You can see one of the cats on the floor. The oldest boy here in the orange is Papa. He doesn't speak English really well but likes the song "Big Papa" by Notorious B.I.G. So we call him BIIIIIIGGGGGG PPAAAAPPPAAA
This is mostly Class 5, they had a class project and they're holding some of the cut out letters from it.
This is Doris, she may be the shortest girl here, fupi cabiza (very very short). The boys like teasing her for being short but she still has one of the biggest smiles... even though she's not really smiling here.
Boys being boys.
The boys looking smart. (They use the term "smart" here like we use the term "sharp" or pretty much "looking good") They love taking pictures like they're GQ.
The MIGHTY Samuel!
In this mess, John's on the top and Rufas is on the bottom.
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