Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Trip to Alice's home

A few weeks ago we visited Alice, a woman who works in the shamba at Bosco Boys, at her home in Dagoretti. We took two mutatu trips to get to her home town. We stopped at a butchery on the way back to get some goat meat, then we cooked a delicious lunch together, and we just rested at her beautiful home during the afternoon. When we got to her home, 2Pac was blasting and we listened to him for almost 3 hours long. It was really fun listening to "Hit Em Up" while we were praying for our meal. Her son, Daniel, and his girl friend, Cindy, were so amazed when we told them we are from Los Angeles, the same town that 2Pac was from.

Casa de Alice

In Alice's home, there are 5 pictures total. Two of them are of Alice, two of them are of Daniel, and one is a picture of Jack, Katie's dad, and Alice. They took a picture together while Jack and Kerry were visiting and they printed a copy for Alice before they left. That picture is hanging up in her home, and this is a picture of that picture.

Patrick, Katie, Alice

Two neighborhood boys who wanted their pictures taken.

Daniel, Alice, Cindy

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