Sunday, March 14, 2010

Bosco Boys Has Talent

A few weeks ago there was a meeting between Fr. Sebastian and all the volunteers. The volunteers wanted to do something fun for the boys. We all decided on doing a talent show every Friday evening for the next few weeks. It may not be consecutive weeks due to prior arrangements on Friday evenings but we'll eventually get all 5 competitions in. There are 8 teams in all represented by four colors: red, yellow, green, and blue. There are 4 junior (lower primary boys) and 4 senior (upper primary boys) teams. The points they receive will be towards their "group points". The children already have a competition based on school grades, athletic performance, character performance, and brownie points. The winning team at the end of the year (December) get rewarded with a trip to Moombasa. Moombasa is a coastal city in Kenya. The children get to go to the beach, have fun, and get out of school for a few days. They all put fun effort into the talent show. Each week is a different theme, the first week was African Traditional Song/dance. The volunteers decided to participate also and we did an opening dance for the night. We then are hosts/judges on the children's performances. It was a fun night.

Getting my dreads and costume on.

Katie's traditional wear

Susan and Katie

Just got on the stage, the children were laughing at me.

This is the volunteer dance.

Another shot of our dance, it was maybe 3 minutes long.

Katie and Maria were the hosts

Some of the boys doing a song/dance. The performances are on the stage in the cafeteria/assembly hall/multi purpose room.

I believe this is the, Blue Senior group, winning performance.

1 comment:

  1. You guys are so funny, Jack and I are laughing and see you are having so much fun makes our hearts smile, love Kerry and Jack
